Study Abroad- Galway {Days, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 & 9}

3:04 PM

Dang, the past week has been a complete whirlwind. It finally felt like we were settled in near the end of last week when we had time to really unpack, settle in and come to the realization that this would be home for the next month. 
Thursday was spent mostly in class and relaxing. Casey and I did go down to The Quays for a drink after class which was nice but besides that it was a very relaxing day. 
Friday I had class in the morning and in the evening our whole group went out. A smaller group of us went to dinner at The Cellar Bar and then met everyone else for drinks and live music (which was amazing) at The Quays before heading to what is considered  a nightclub here called The Front Door. It was more of just a pub but still fun none-the-less. 

Saturday I spent the day at the doctor/A&E department to get some meds and a wrap for tendonitis in my foot. Not a fun day but took some much needed rest to not put more pressure and pain on my foot. (It's a lot better now too! YAY!)

Sunday I had a field trip for one of my classes, the Literature and Film one which I am taking to fulfill a general education requirement back home. We went to Clare County and South Galway and were able to see many sights important to literature including Coole Park (home of Lady Gregory), Thoor Ballylee (tower where Yeats lived and wrote a lot of his work), and Kilmacduagh (Ireland's highest round tower, not quite sure the literature significance of this sight lol). We also stopped at McDonough's for fish and chips which was ahhhmazing. 

Monday I spent the morning in the city and stopped for coffee and to do some readings outside a cafe when a local asked if he could sit with me. We ended up talking for a while. He was very sweet and friendly. After this, I had class for a few hours and then walked home (in the pouring rain which actually doesn't happen a ton here, normally its just sprinkles when it rains). 
Today was mostly spent exploring city center, eating lunch on the river with the seagulls (who don't have any fear!) and then at a lecture on emigration at school. I did walk to go rent a bike with one of the girls I am living with but the bike store was out, so hopefully later this week we will be able to get those. It will make getting around a lot easier (and faster) and will allow us to explore more on the coast and in the mountains that would take a lot longer to walk to. 
Kate, Cameron, me and Kayte who is one of our program directors. It was a huge deal to need sunscreen last week so Kayte took a snapchat to document it!)
I also decided that I wanted to go to a GAA Football game so am very excited to do that tomorrow after class and many of the girls in our group said they want to join so it should be a fun night. 

As for classes, I am loving my Irish Society class... the professor is great and really understanding that while we are here for school we also want to have fun, explore and see what Galway has to offer. My Literature and Film class is just okay. I've never really been into literature and reading poems and things like that so it isn't supper interesting to me but then again we don't have very many classes of that and I am learning a lot through the lectures so I can easily get through it. Plus the film (aka movie watching) is very easy and understandable so that balances the challenges of the literature part of the course. 

This weekend we have three day trips planned for Friday, Saturday and Sunday so it should be a fun and busy weekend. I'm looking forward to it and should have a lot to report! :)

Today also marks the halfway point in my time abroad. I've officially been gone 22 days which is absolutely insane to think about. While it seems like a lot, it really doesn't feel like it has been that long. Crazy to realize how much I have done and seen in these past 3 weeks... 5 countries, 7 plane rides, many cities and countless memories made already. Wowza. 

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  1. Wonderful, wonderful........your blog.......and you Rosie Posey !!


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